The compelling feature film debut from director Peter Hurd, The Control Group, manages to surprise and entertain through the entirety of its labyrinthine and unique plot. The film opens up with our protagonist Jack (Ross Destiche) sprawled out and dazed across the floor. When he gains some of his senses back it turns out Jack has awoken from his slumber in an insane asylum– and not one any person ...[Read More]
Location: Belgium Biography: Ever since my childhood I was drawing and experimenting with any media I get my hands on. I started as a 2D animator. When I was a teenager I experimented with video cameras we rented from the local video store. At that time we were not able to edit our films the way we can now. Next, I studied 3D animation and modeling. I worked on an animated tv show for several year...[Read More]
After a small hiatus, our favorite monthly web series is back! We know you have heard it before and we know you love it so let’s talk about the latest episode from Scary Endings titled “Am I Beautiful”. Written and Directed by Scary Endings creator John Fitzpatrick, “Am I Beautiful” is based on the ancient Japanse urban legend, Kuchisake-onna which translates to Slit-mouthed Woman. For those unawa...[Read More]
Les (Brant McCrea)– or The Ghoul as he is endearingly known on the streets– has just finished serving time in a prison outside of Chicago. Now, The Ghoul is back on the streets fueled by revenge, seeking retribution for those that killed his mother and sent him to prison, searching high and low for those that have wronged him. The plot for Chicago Rot seems simple enough, but in this case, looks c...[Read More]
Don’t Be Bad (Non Essere Cattivo) tells the story of Cesare and Vittorio who are friends for life since childhood and have spent the better part of their primes living hard and fast, conning whoever has something to lose and fighting anyone who dares to get in their way. But after Vittorio has one bad night too many he decides it’s time for a change. It is around this time that he meets Linda, who...[Read More]
From Wild Eye Releasing comes the wild psychological body horror Asylum of Darkness the newest film from writer and director Jay Woelfel (Season of Darkness, Trancers 6). Asylum of Darkness features the talents of the late Richard Hatch (Battlestar Galactica), Tim Thomerson, Tiffany Shepis, Amanda Howell, Frank Jones Jr., and Nick Baldasare Shot on 35mm, Asylum of Darkness is nothing short of impr...[Read More]
Location: Sunshine Coast, Australia Biography: My name is Rob Stanley, I am based on the Sunshine Coast in Australia. I am an artist who specializes in all things dark and macabre. I have created many works from fine art to concept artworks, VFX, and advertising design for feature films and large corporates. The only formal training I have as an artist is a trade in signwriting and graphic design....[Read More]
Every one of us has wished misery, misfortune, and horror on someone at least once in our lives. Regardless of whether we understand the gravity of the curses we hurl at our enemies psychologically, we let them fly nonetheless. So when we see someone who is truly deserving receive the punishment of a lifetime, it can be quite satisfying. Such is the situation in Boaz Armoni’s Freak Out Matan, an I...[Read More]
The prospect of trusting complete strangers is a daunting exigency on our modern culture bestowed upon us through cautionary tales passed down from our parents and teachers. It’s surprising to believe that the generosity of strangers wasn’t always thought to be a veiled ruse in which to entrap unsuspecting individuals for mischievous deeds. Watch any pre-World War II film and you get the impressio...[Read More]
Horror films are full of tropes and cliches that ring true in generic films. Although not a bad thing in some, it is tough to overcome some of the stereotypes we love to find. From characters to situations to even particular lines spoken by the characters, horror tropes exist and sometimes we have to deal with them. As a director or writer, it is your job to takes these tropes and turn them into s...[Read More]
After Hours, the first collaboration between director Michael Aguiar of Bravestar Productions and writer Adam Weber, take a simple concept and keeps it creepy all the way through. The synopsis is straightforward enough: an employee of a local store finds herself being stalked by someone or something after hours. It’s really not about the employee, but the cop investigating what happened to her. Ho...[Read More]
Zombies are great. Maybe a weird way to start a paragraph but it’s true, they really are awesome, same as werewolves, mummies, vampires, and so many other abominations that have haunted the collective nightmares (or dreams depending on how you look at ‘em) of horror enthusiasts everywhere for decades. But in order to keep things fresh within the community, it can’t all be ghosts and ghouls. Art mu...[Read More]