WIHFF Submissions Now Open

The newest female-driven horror film festival has recently opened up for early bird submissions. The Women In Horror Film Festival, or WIHFF is a unique festival dedicated to showcasing and celebrating female writers, directors, producers, cinematographers, make-up artists, actors and composers who have dedicated their craft to the horror genre.

The festival will be coming to the community of Little Five Points September 21-24, 2017. Tickets will be available through the WIHFF website along with a schedule of events. WIHFF is proud to invite female horror filmmakers and screenwriters from around the world to submit their work to the fest.

There will, or course, be a panel of judges ready to award the most prominent films of the festival, garnishing their posters with laurels. Judges so far include  their growing panel of judges who consist of Hannah Neurotica, founder of Women in Horror Month and the Ax Wound Film Fest; Melissa Hannon founder of Horror Geek Life; former featured FearMaker April Bedan, Manager of Fangoria Musick; Brandon Taylor of Hollow Tree Films; Tanya Chuturkova, NYC-based creative producer/director; and Terri Adams, Atlanta-based independent producer.

Submissions are currently open, starting at $20 for short films, $25 for features, and $10 for student films. These are the early bird specials, so expect to see these prices rise soon, so be sure and get your films ready to submit!