Homemade Horrors Every movie set, home haunt, and Halloween party needs to have the right feel to it. Strobe lights and “Monster Mash” may be fine for the kids, but what happens when you want to go for creepy, disturbing, or down right terrifying? That’s when you need to think about lighting and sound. I know. That means electrical things and electronic things, which means it’s scary or expensive,...[Read More]
Our featured FearMaker for the week, Jon Schnitzer, is an expert in haunts. His upcoming film Haunters: The Movie explores the ins and outs and the drama of all things haunted events. We Are Indie Horror asked Jon to give us his five favorite haunts and like most other creative types, he was not able to give us just 5; Jon gave us 7. Throughout the week we will explore these haunts and explain why...[Read More]
Is it witchcraft? Voodoo? Black Magic? Actually it is none of that. The cast and crew of the The Summoning is full of shear talent. The Summoning is a new independent horror film from Let It Rain productions about isolation and being endlessly pursued by evil. Directed by Curtis Schultzand produced by Wesley Alley, the new lost in the woods film had a great run at the Florida Horror Film Festival ...[Read More]