When We Are Indie Horror traveled to ScareLA we met a lot of new potential Fear Makers. One in particular, who will be featured next year, is named Crystal Farrar from Rumplestiltskin Studios. She is an artist who creates incredible bloody character illustrations which you can see below. At ScareLA we saw one of her new creations. The creation is something special, it is a 3D UV Blacklight Doll Face Clown Facade that can be used for Halloween Haunts or just everyday decoration in your house.
While being custom to showing off her illustrations at conventions, ScareLA was the first time Crystal ever presented her black light scenic art. Built out plywood and cut to look like an evil doll, this airbrush and spray gun painted sits a tremendous size of ten feet by twelve feet. The entry way stands at six feet so most people can fit through it. If the facade is positioned just a little off the ground, it makes an amazing entrance to any home haunt or maze. It was painted in such a way that it gives off a 3D effect when lit by black light and 3D glasses are being worn. Crystal mentioned it took about a week to create and as any artist she is hoping to break even. The opening bid covers just the materials bill. The prop is worth approximately $800 but the opening bid is at $250. If you are interested head on over to the eBay Link
If you know of someone who is interested or just want to share the art, share it. It is what We Are Indie Horror represents as a community. In the meantime enjoy her other artwork and if you like what you say check out her Facebook and send her a message through Facebook or email her at [email protected]. Pricing and details will come with the questions. Or if you just want to say hi and let her know how awesome her work is, we are sure she will appreciate it.