“Nevermind” Bio-Feedback Horror Game Released on 9/29

“Nevermind” Bio-Feedback Horror Game Released on 9/29

Modern technology is allowing for anybody to learn how to make art, be it a film or a video game. The trick is being unique and different in a market that is oversaturated with content. The game developing team at Flying Mollusk have done just that with their new steam game Nevermind, a bio-feedback horror adventure game.

Erin Reynolds, who is head of the Nevermind team spoke with We Are Indie Horror at ScareLA and told us all about this game and the use of technology to create a new style of gaming. To understand fully, Erin explained to us what a bio-feedback game is (which you can see in the WAIHTV Goes to ScareLA video which will be live at 3PM on Thursday September 24). A wide range of different type of wireless sensors can be hooked onto your wrist, earlobe, and or chest to monitor your heart rate. As your heart rate rises from either being scared or being excited the game progressively gets harder. The trick is to learn to calm yourself down in times of stress. Now if you do not have a sensor, no worries because Flying Mollusk has promised you can still play and have a great unique experience. Why bio-feedback you might ask? Erin and the rest of the team at Flying Mollusk wanted to make a “positive” game, where it could be used help people. Although the game is scary, the goal is to help treat people with stress and anxiety disorders and allow them a tool to help learn how to calm themselves down in trying situations.

The game itself is a creepy puzzle game where through first person you are put in rooms that progressively turn into dark and surreal stress inducing worlds. Watch the video below to get a feel for the game. As for development, Nevermind started out as Erin Reynold’s thesis project at the University of Southern California with a team of 5. Years later she got the band back together along with a few additions from other classmates and decided to make it a full out horror adventure game. Erin told WAIH that her influences come from HP Lovecraft, X-Files, Ghostbusters, and anything else horror she could get her hands on growing up.

Pending how the initial launch of Nevermind goes, Flying Mollusk has promised to continue working hard around the clock to upgrade the game for more sensors like the new Apple Watch, adding more content for the gamer to enjoy, and even bringing it to other consoles such as the Playstation 4 or the Xbox One. Imagine a game like this with all the proper sensors AND being put into Playstation VR or Occulus Rift; we are not sure if we really want to be that stressed out in our gaming lives.

The team behind Nevermind  and the game have been featured in numerous festivals and nominated for several awards for innovation and technical achievement, including at IndieCade, Games for Change, SIGGRAPH, Unity Unite Awards, and the Serious Games Showcase and Challenge. On steam, the game had an early access beta where it is receiving all positive reviews.

Check out the video below for some gameplay footage and check out those pictures for the incredible artwork that this game presents. Nevermind will be released on September 29, 2015 through Steam for Windows and MacOS X for only $24.99.

To show support give them a like over at their Facebook and be kept up to date with all things Nevermind