Plague of the Pot Rabbits is a hilarious film about two friends and business partners named Frank and Eddy, who sell and grow pot. One day they go to a field where they’ve been growing an experimental strain to find that the whole field’s been decimated. They inspect the site to find that the only trace of whatever did the pillaging is a few rabbit droppings that smell like hash. Later on that day they’re stopped by police and put into custody when the officers discover a bag of the rabbit droppings that Frank had decided to take for further analysis. Once they’re at the jail, they begin to hear a commotion, and just as quickly as they’d been locked up, the station was attacked by monstrous killer rabbits. From there they have to do whatever they can to stop the onslaught and put an end to the plague that they started.
Although horredy’s (Horror-comedies) are becoming more commonplace nowadays, they good ones are quite rare. Plague of the Pot Rabbits is especially unique because of how they approach and implement the comedy. Most of the time the film doesn’t utilize actual jokes or gags, instead electing to poke fun at itself and it’s glaring lack of craftsmanship. At times the production value of this film is so bad that it goes below and beyond anything I’ve ever seen before, and it’s priceless a la B-movie style. On top of the intentionally abysmal special effects and direction, the actors deliver every, single, line, sincerely. And the real kicker is that at no point does any of it feel forced. All in all, it’s definitely worth the twelve minutes.
Plague of the Pot Rabbits was written, directed, and produced by Michael Fullerton. The film stars Michael Fullerton as Frank, William David Amendola as Eddy, Brad James as Tony, and Kimbo Ritchieas Officer O’Malley. Filmed in Vernon, British Columbia, Canada, it is now available on Youtube.