Chilling Tales For Dark Nights, created in late 2012 by Craig Groshek, has created a unique form of podcasting. It is produced by a multinational team of independent authors, sound designers, composers, illustrators, and voice over artists. The podcast series has become known for its immersive high-quality enhanced audio-book style. Each tale features full casts, professional voice acting, exceptional sound effects, and original cinematic scores. Since the mastering of the radio story-telling, they look to bring their tales to life in a new fashion.
With hopes of pitching to distributors such as SyFy or Netflix, the team behind Chilling Tales For Dark Nights to take on the ambitious task of creating the world’s first fully animated horror anthology series. They have launched a KICKSTARTER for their venture which means you can help this incredible project get off the ground. The series is produced and directed by the duo behind Chilling Tales For Dark Nights, creator Craig Groshek, and executive producer Jesse Cornett, and is illustrated and animated by an accomplished team of artists including David Romero, Giselle Rosser and Bo Mathorne (the filmmaker responsible for the award-winning short film, the Backwater Gospel).
Their goals start small. If they reach enough they will create a motion comic as a pitch for their first episode. From there, if more money is raised a full episode can be created. Animation takes time which equals a higher financial ceiling. If they can get their two most popular episodes created, they will look to hiring some known talent. Robert Englund, yes Freddy Kruger, is in talks. If the price point is right, it can happen.
We Are Indie Horror is looking forward to this project. We have been fans of Bo Mathorne(watch Backwater Gospel below) since the dawn of WAIH and we cannot wait to see his talents used with the extraordinary minds of Craig Groshek and Jesse Cornett. If you’d like to learn more about Chilling Tales for Dark Nights, visit their website, their YouTube channel, or check out the Simply Scary Podcast. If you look to donate to their KICKSTARTER campaign be sure to click the link.